CBD products are definitely gaining momentum, gradually infiltrating in all spheres of our life.
It seems they are all around us and it is hard to find an industry that hasn’t rushed to incorporate this buzz ingredient in its offering.
From beauty companies and luxurious spas to coffee shops and local fast food – different businesses compete against each other for bringing the most creative ideas in the market.
However, a great bulk of people still find CBD a bit confusing, all the more so, with a plethora of options out there, they are not sure which brand or method of use to choose.
Are these products tested for quality, efficiency, and compliance with health standards?
Can CBD get you high? What are the real advantages? Here is everything you need to know before trying CBD products.
Let’s Start With The Basics. What Is CBD?
Short for Cannabidiol, CBD is a chemical unique to the Cannabis Sativa plant. One of over 60 compounds found in cannabis, it is a non-psychoactive component that accounts for up to 40% of the plant.
As a non-psychoactive substance, CBD can’t get you high – this feeling is caused by another compound called THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).
While Cannabinoid ratios and content may vary dramatically depending on plant strain and species, most CBD across the United States is obtained from the hemp plant.
The latter is low enough in THC, which means it can be grown and sold legally just like any other agricultural crop.
According to the 2018 Farm Bill, industrial hemp is described as the one that has less than 0.3% THC
Even though almost completely free from THC, hemp is rich in other cannabinoids that deliver certain health and fitness benefits.
What’s more, boosted by an ever-growing demand for CBD- featured products, now there are even strains of hemp cultivated especially to produce high-quality CBD oil.
How Do Our Bodies Process CBD?
When it comes to CBD processing, similar to the majority of supplements and medication, a lot depends on how it is introduced to the body with ingestion, inhalation, and topical application being the most common ways.
CBD supplements intended for oral use first enter the digestive system, traveling from the stomach to the liver, from where certain types of molecules get right into the blood.
Alternatively, a few drops of a CBD oil or tincture can be placed under the tongue, letting the mouth membranes transfer it directly into the bloodstream and maximizing absorption.
Some people opt for inhaling CBD, which is another widespread option that sees the compound passing through the lungs and making it directly into the bloodstream.
Speaking of the topical application, it’s not the way to bring CBD into your bloodstream but rather to deliver localized enhancements. It affects specific skin receptors to contribute to skin health.
Can It Show Up On A Drug Test?
Many people have certain concerns about whether CBD can show up on a drug test and affect the outcome.
Well, as stated by King Buddha experts, typically it should not, of course, providing that the product is third-party tested to confirm it has no added THC.
It’s important to understand that not all CBD products are the same, which means everyone has to do his due diligence in order to buy low-quality stuff that can bring a bunch of problems instead of expected benefits.
The best producers strive to combine the highest-quality CBD with other natural, organic ingredients.
More than that, some of the most trusted brands are involved in the entire process – from seed to the shelf – to ensure they offer a pure product free of any solvents or residues.
To sum up, you have nothing to worry about as long as you stick with products backed by a guarantee of serious manufactures.
How Long Does CBD Stay In Our Systems?
While the period of time CBD stays in our body greatly depends on the method of ingestion and doses, it also can vary from individual to another.
According to numerous studies, when consuming orally (we speak of moderate doses) it can remain in our systems for up to 2 days, although it is also possible that the compound can stay for a day or two longer.
Here is some data on how long CBD may stay in your blood, urine, saliva, and hair.
- Blood – if you take a CBD product with an eventually unknown amount of added THC, you can expect the latter to leave your blood after approximately five hours, although its byproducts can be present in the system for up to seven days. Anyway, to be relevant, a blood test for THC should be done on a fresh blood sample, which is taken in a very short period of time.
- Urine – as one of the channels that serve to eliminate CBD from your body, urine will typically show traces of this chemical for up to five days after use. For comparison, THC may be present in urine even after 30 days.
- Saliva – even though saliva tests are used to detect CBD extremely rare, it’s good to know that they can be found in saliva for 72 hours, but in the case of overuse of THC-contaminated supplements, the latter could significantly extend the aforementioned window.
- Hair – generally speaking, substances such as CBD can be discovered in hair up to three months from the moment the sample was taken.
What Are The Health Benefits Of CBD?
CBD is strongly believed to be a relief for a host of conditions including back pain, osteoarthritis, and even cancer.
At the moment, the only FDA-approved CBD medication is Epidiolex created to treat certain forms of epilepsy, but a great number of patients with various diagnoses claim that CBD works miracles.
Pain management is one of the areas where CBD was widely applied, delivering decent results for people with both musculoskeletal and nerve types of pain.
Many doctors express the opinion that CBD is a safe thing to try, although some studies suggest it works best in combination with a tiny bit of THC.
On the other hand, as soon as THC is added, to buy such a product you will need a prescription.
Some patients with symptoms of anxiety swear that CBD helps them manage stress and feel more relaxed.
Just a heads up, don’t be misled by some irresponsible statements that CBD is an all-size-fits-all solution that can fix everything.
Of course, it is not, that’s why do not overestimate the significance of healthy nutrition, regular exercise, and an overall healthy lifestyle.
What’s The Best Way To Take CBD?
First and foremost, find out for yourself why you’re plotting to take CBD and set up your goals.
If you seek relief for a bad knee, give a shot to creams and ointment intended for localized effect.
Vape pens are the fastest to deliver, but the effect doesn’t last too long while tinctures and edibles take longer to work but can last up to five hours.
Well, if you have a sweet tooth, perhaps you will opt for CBD Gummies modeled after the world’s most popular colorful candies.
As you can see, the universe of CBD products is pretty diverse and it’s important to do some research before trying one or another option.
Regardless of your goals, do not settle for less than a high-quality product that can really cater to your needs.
Featured Image Credit: Erin_Hinterland (Pixabay)