What is CBD & is Hemp Oil Legal?

Many compounds are found in the cannabis plant and these are known as cannabinoids. CBD (Cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are the most popular and well known among them.

Although CBD is a natural component of industrial hemp, CBD oil is different from hemp oil. While the former is made from the leaves, stalks and flowers of hemp, hemp oil is made from its seeds. CBD oil thus contains more CBD- 15 percent- than hemp oil does. Industrial hemp is the only plant used to produce hemp oil and the amount of psychoactive substance it contains is minimal. Hemp oil essentially contains CBD as the primary ingredient and contains just 1 percent of THC. For a cannabinoid to be psychoactive, it must contain more than that.

The legal status of hemp oil has always been hazy, but in effect, it does appear to be legal, provided certain conditions are met. The legality of hemp oil depends on what type of hemp plant is grown, how it is processed and from which country it’s imported. The fact that hemp oil contains THC in a very limited amount means that it can be bought without the need for a medical card as it is not psychoactive.

Hemp plants sourced from Europe are harvested and the oil is extracted from them. Subsequently, this oil finds its way into the United States. The oil is then tested in the labs before legally distributing it to customers across the country. Often oil samples are sent to third-party labs to check for impurities and potency. Once satisfied, the oil is used to make several hemp products that are sold to customers.

Hemp oil has health benefits and contributes to overall well being.


For more information on CBD Oil, click here!

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