- Using Calendars and Alarms to Remind You of Things
- Set Aside Time for Yourself
- Don’t Underestimate the Power of Routine
- Self Care
- Take the Time to Laugh
- Get Those Endorphins Going
- Forming Routines
- Make Small Changes Over Time
- Sources:
One of the biggest causes of mental health stress is having unexpected things pop up in an already chaotic world.
There are several methods for stress reduction and stress management, so let’s explore some of these ways in which stress can be alleviated, including how CBD for stress relief can set you up for successfully managing stress.
Using Calendars and Alarms to Remind You of Things
As simple as it seems, using the calendar and alarms on your phone is a great way to relieve stress of trying to remember everything. Getting into the habit of using this calendar for everything, from when to take your medicine to little Jenny’s soccer schedule, will help you to relax a lot.
When you realize that you don’t have to worry about forgetting these things, you will find that you can relax a lot more.
Try setting aside some time, perhaps as you lay in bed each night, to go over your calendar and add things to it. Set reminders far enough ahead to keep reminding you well enough ahead of time.
Set Aside Time for Yourself
No matter if it is only five minutes, set aside some time for a ‘you only’ activity. Some parents have an especially hard time with this. If you grab five minutes before the kiddies get up or five minutes after they go to sleep, spend that time taking a longer shower than usual. Try massaging your feet with some CBD infused oil that helps relieve aches and pains and provides some extra relaxation.
If you enjoy coffee in the morning, you might try one of the CBD infused coffees that helps start your day off right. CBD has huge relaxation benefits! Starting your day off with a dose of CBD will help set you up for the ‘win’ for the day.
Sometimes getting out of bed a few minutes earlier is all it takes.
If you sleep late, don’t have things prepared the night before, and don’t have a plan for the day, you will run around chasing yourself in circles. This is the lifestyle of stress. Plan ahead your day, incorporate things that help bring you calm, like CBD coffee, and prepare for your day like a knight donning his armor before the battle.
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Routine
Routines have a lot of power because they give you something easy to plan around, a sense of security in knowing what is supposed to happen next, which reduces stress when the mind isn’t constantly having to think about what is next.
When children know it is snack and homework time as soon as they get home from school each day, they fall into these routines and know the expectations. You will have fewer arguments about getting homework done as the evening wears on.
If you don’t have kids, this rule still applies to you. Even your pets get used to routines. If you don’t believe that, try skipping mealtime and see how quickly your cat is in your face demanding food.
Your friends are even relaxed by your routines. They know that you never go out on a work night, but they can count on you for Saturday fun. They know not to call you after 9 pm because you go to bed early due to your work schedule.
Routines make life easier!
Self Care
Self-care should always be a part of your routine, and it isn’t the same as ‘you time’ because self-care is necessary for your physical health.
Self-care will include cooking healthy meals, getting some exercise, taking supplements to benefit you each day, etc. Your self-care routine may be getting out of bed, putting on running shoes and doing a couple of miles, then back to the house to take your supplements to get you through your day -- like hemp seed oil that will give you the omega fatty oils that help your heart stay healthy -- then you shower and dress for work. This simple routine can add years to your life.
If you aren’t a morning person, you can still find time in your day to do self-care for your health. Some people walk on their lunch breaks, other people ride a stationary bike in the evening in front of a television. These people are less stressed-out than people who do nothing of the sort.
Getting the appropriate nutrients for your body is essential. If you don’t have time to incorporate exercise every day, which you should try to do, at the very least you should try to use some relaxation oils to help you enhance your mood and lessen your stress.
CBD oils can help you reduce stress levels along with providing other health benefits, such as improving energy levels throughout the day. While CBD shouldn't be the only thing that you do for stress management (a healthy diet and exercise also are hugely beneficial and will lengthen your lifespan), CBD products can help you relax, finding the time and the desire to do the other things that are also so necessary to living your best life.
Take the Time to Laugh
Laughter relieves stress, lowering heart rate, blood pressure, and rapid breathing, while helping relieve stress hormones, allowing the body to relax when feeling overwhelmed, which improves overall health.
It is essential to take the time to laugh and enjoy life. If all we do is work and pay bills, then we aren’t really living, pushing our stress levels to levels that makes stress management impossible.
Joy is found. It won’t come to find you. Go out and find your joy. Joining clubs and groups that share interests, such as book clubs, bike riding clubs, dinner clubs, or any other social clubs, will help you get out of the house, away from work, and just be yourself.
Having a life outside of home and work brings balance, helping us relax. For those who have a hard time with social anxiety, this can be tough. Hemp seed oil supplements can have a positive impact on social anxiety to lessen its grip on you.
If you can use a little something to just help you get your feet out the door a time or two, you’ll find yourself making friendships and building a social network that helps you find fun and relaxation again.
People who lead active social lives tend to live longer and this is likely because you laugh more when you are with people. Why not take the steps necessary to help you get out of the house more and become a part of social clubs as part of your new routine this year?
Don't feel like laughing? No worries, try some breathing exercises instead! That can be as simple as practicing deep breathing when feeling stressed.
Get Those Endorphins Going
Ever heard of the ‘runner’s high’? It's the rush of endocannabinoids the body creates when pushing the body.
Now you don’t have to go run a marathon to get an endorphin rush. Anything that gives you a little thrill can give you a lift of endorphins. Music is something that helps people elevate their mood in this way. Try incorporating some music into your daily routine. It’s exceedingly difficult to be in a bad mood when you are whistling.
Music interacts with parts of the brain, which helps raise the mood and absorb information. In other words, listening to music while you work or study is a great idea. If you are having a hard time with focus, you may have ADHD. Many adults have this condition, though have never been accurately diagnosed.
Again, CBD or hemp oil can help with this, giving you the ability to focus more deeply on work and study, while also enhancing your mood. CBD helps many people overcome problems with general depression, sometimes referred to as situational depression. It helps you feel more able to cope with your tasks at hand, which goes a long way in reducing stress.
Whether you are an athletic person, a bookworm, a lover of music, or a person with ADHD, now you know how to get those endorphins going and elevate your mood as needed.
Self-confident people rarely have feelings of anxiety because anxiety comes from a pattern of negative thoughts. CBD oils help to block these thought patterns to give you a fighting chance in forming new habits and routines, making big life changes for the better.
Forming Routines
Routines are habits that you’ve gotten into - they are patterns in your daily life. You may get out of bed, go straight to the bathroom, use the toilet, wash your hands, face, and brush your teeth, all without thinking about it. This is a routine, and it remains your routine because it works well for you. It is easy, it is a habit because you have done it for so long that it comes as second nature. Some people walk straight from the bathroom to the door to let the dog out, and then to the coffeemaker to start morning coffee.
You might notice that after several months or years of working at the same time and getting out of bed at the same time, you find yourself waking just a few moments before your alarm goes off. This is because you have become habituated to this routine, and your body knows it well, it doesn’t need to be reminded or to think about it anymore. That’s a real routine, something that we barely need to think about anymore. We’ve done it and it makes the most sense to us, so we repeat it, and it is now a habit.
How long does it take to form new habits? It can take as few as 18 days to as long as nearly a year. It depends upon the habit you are trying to form and how well it suits you. For example, if you hate running and you are trying to make it a habit, it is going to take a lot longer and you will only succeed if you have a lot of intestinal fortitude. In other words, if things don’t make sense, the brain resists.
Routines need to make sense to you for them to work. It doesn’t matter if other people think your routines are insane, if they work for you, you will keep doing them. Sometimes it is a good thing to sit down and examine your routines. Talking about routines with others can be helpful. As weird as it may sound, your best friend may notice things about your routine that don’t seem to suit you. Ask for advice and input.
Make Small Changes Over Time
One thing well-proven is that too many changes at once rarely work for anyone. While it is great that you want to form new routines to help reduce your stress, trying to implement them all at once is bound to create more stress.
Since this is self-defeating, try instead to incorporate changes a few at a time. When you are successful with one change, incorporate another one. Work your plan, don’t let your plan work you.
Business managers who are good with people understand that if they try to shake the office up with a ton of changes at once, they will get a lot of resistance. People don’t like change, and people subconsciously fight change. Most people fight change because they like their routines.
Even when we want to change our routines, our brain tends to fight these changes, opting for safe patterns. We built those habits by wiring our neural pathways to follow the same path over and over.
Don’t be upset with yourself. You’re a survivor! You can do this, but you need to do it slowly and forgive yourself for the resistance that your survival instincts try to put up. Every time you go to your new addition to your routine, your brain is going to say to you, “Hey, wrong way…we are supposed to head to the kitchen now!”
Just go ahead and walk to the bathroom and take your CBD supplement that you’ve incorporated into your routine or add it to your coffee in the kitchen. That’s a minor change.
After a few days, it will begin to feel normal, and you can try adding another change, like working on your calendar. You are setting yourself up for success by creating routines and making changes that will lessen your stress and make your life so much more productive too.
As you feel a sense of accomplishment, your self-confidence will build, and you will find that you’re open to trying new things, such as meeting new people. And your stress and anxiety will slowly melt away. When anxiety does want to rear its ugly head, you know that you can always use hemp or CBD oils to help keep them under wraps.
Don’t beat yourself up for not handling stress as well as other people. We were all raised differently, and you must learn how to respond to stress properly. You have an opportunity here, with the help of natural products, to reverse a negative cycle and create a whole new experience for yourself.
Anyone, at any age, can learn new routines, habits, and skills. Never count yourself out, because you are a survivor. Your brain proves that to you every single day.